Well, 2009 has come to a close and all I can say is WOW! The Lord has been so good to us and we are extremely grateful for the birth of Living Hope Church here in Marysville, Ohio.
Living Hope Church launched on Easter Sunday, April 12, 2009. There were 244 people in attendance on that day…to God be the glory! Since then, our average weekly attendance has grown to over 175 on Sunday mornings with new faces every Sunday.
“Homes of Hope”, our new small group ministry, began in September and was a huge success. Overall, there were 9 small groups that met in Marysville and 3 other surrounding cities. Each “Home of Hope” has an outreach ministry project for which they are responsible. The new semester begins again in January and we are praying and anticipating God for mighty things as we strive to serve and share Christ on our street, in our city, and to the nations.
Living Hope Church just held another membership class and baptism service on December 13th. Eight more signed the covenant and joined the church, as well as six more being baptized! Thus far, we have baptized 26 individuals in 2009! Here are a few quick facts about the progress and growth…
• Average weekly attendance has doubled
• Average weekly tithes and offerings have doubled
• 104 members
• 26 baptized
• 5 new babies born with more on the way in 2010!
Your financial commitment to us is critical, as we are still 50% away from being financially self-supporting. Thank you so much for your faithful and sacrificial support, for without which much of this would not be possible.
Finally, I graduated with my Doctor of Ministry degree from The Billy Graham School of Missions & Evangelism at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. The Lord is good and we are praying and asking God to keep His hand upon us in the days ahead!
Dr. Jeremy Westbrook
Dr. Jeremy Westbrook is Lead Pastor of Living Hope... a new Southern Baptist Church in Marysville, Ohio.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Another Resource
Denny Burk, Dean of Boyce College in Louisville, KY has developed his own personalized plan for reading the Bible in a year. You can click here to download it...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Ready to Read the Bible in a Year?
Here is a helpful link if reading the Bible from cover-to-cover is a goal for you in 2010...just click here. It should be the goal of every believer in Christ!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Sunday and Snow
Well, the first Sunday after Christmas turned out to be an awesome time together as a church family! Two families came forward at the invitation desiring to join and ask more questions. However, there were a lot of our core church membership gone out of town traveling. As a matter of fact, there were 20 families gone...that is a lot of people! There were some visitors and I continued preaching from the book of 1 Corinthians. Today, we looked at Chapter 3 and verses 10-15. The Apostle Paul instructs and exhorts the church at Corinth to be careful how they build on the foundation, which is the Lord Jesus. Scripture teaches us that as believers', we will face a second judgment known as the "Bema" seat of Christ, where we will be rewarded for our good works. Dr. Adrian Rogers rightly said that good works are not the root of salvation, but they are the fruit of salvation. Either we are building with gold, silver, and precious stones or we are building with wood, hay, and stubble that will burn up on that day. May we live our lives from an eternal perspective and not waste it, for one day we will lay those crowns at the feet of Jesus, the only one who deserves anything!!
By the way, the snow continues to fall here in OHIO. A good reminder that our sins are now as white as snow thanks to the Lord Jesus...
By the way, the snow continues to fall here in OHIO. A good reminder that our sins are now as white as snow thanks to the Lord Jesus...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The New Birth
This time of year brings out so many truths, emotions, and stories of why Jesus came. It is true that without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Christianity is in vain (1 Corinthians 15). However, if Jesus never came born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and died for the sins of the world, these would be NO reason to celebrate Christmas and Easter. This picture is from 2 Sunday's ago when 6 individuals took their next step in following Christ. I would say that another miracle is that of the New Birth found in John 3 when sinners repent and place their faith and trust in none other than the Lord Jesus Christ!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Time to Study
Here is a graduation pic I took with Dr. Al Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY a couple of weeks ago. As part of the graduation ceremonies, graduates are invited to the home of Dr. Mohler and allowed to tour his home and library. Needless to say, the studying of the Word of God, literature, and world news ranks high on his priority list. Some may say, well he is the President of a Seminary, so he should. The problem is that Scripture exhorts us in 1 Peter 3:15 to, "Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear." Simply, we must be in the Word to proclaim and spread the Word! You and I should devote our hearts, mind, and time to the study of the Bible daily. I want to encourage you not to waste your time and spend it on eternal matters...
Monday, December 21, 2009
Change Of Plans
Well, the Lord in His wisdom & sovereignty changed a lot of plans yesterday. For the 2nd straight Saturday night in a row, our Worship Pastor, Adam Fisher, called and said he would not be able to be there on Sunday morning. This time, however, it was due to the fact of his wife being in labor! All that said, the special choir and the KIDS choir were not able to perform their Christmas music and we learned some very valuable lessons. First of all, what true worship really is and it should never revolve around one person. The second lesson is that we must all be reproducing ourselves in someone else. The Bible teaches us in 2 Timothy 2:2 that we are to teach and model the Scriptures to others and be making disciples. It still was an awesome day, as to the best of my knowledge around 180 were in attendance, with almost 45 of our regular members out of town traveling for Christmas week! I hope to have baptism pics up by tomorrow...
Press On!
Press On!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Day of Prayer
Dr. Johnny Hunt, the President of The Southern Baptist Convention, has asked that January 31, 2010 be set aside as a day of prayer. Hunt says, "We live in unprecedented times, with Christian and moral foundations rapidly crumbling before our very eyes. Meanwhile, many Christian churches, which should be a mighty force ready to spread salt and light in this dark world, are prepared. God's glory has been set aside while other things have overshadowed our first love." He goes on to say, "The reputation of SBC churches is akin to the church at Ephesus in Revelation 2:1-5. Jesus commended them for doing many things, but called them to repent." May we as the church put feet to our faith and fall on our knees. Remember, Jesus never said if you pray and fast, He said when you pray and fast! Should we have these moments where we stop and commit to praying, or should this be a daily commitment? Leave your comments...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Multi-Site Churches
There is an interesting article in the USA Today concerning multi-site churches. You can click here to read it. Much discussion has been raised revolving the use of one church with many locations. Read and leave a comment, what do you think? Is it right, biblical, or does it even matter?
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
It Is Finished!
As I write these words, it is hard to imagine that the journey which began in 2006 has now come to an end in 2009. God is faithful and has tremendously blessed us in every possible way. On Friday, December 11th, 2009, I graduated with my Doctor of Ministry degree from The Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. You can watch the ceremony by clicking here.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Global Impact
Well, after a short time away I hope to begin my journal scribing or as some call it blogging! This past week I was honored to return to my home and sponsoring church in Memphis, TN, Kirby Woods Baptist Church. God tremendously blessed the conference as Kirby pledged over $680,000 for missions on top of the missions budget! You can listen to the messages by clicking here...
May the Lord continue to bless Kirby Woods and may Living Hope be a launching pad to the nations! As Hudson Taylor said, "Missions is not an option to be considered, it is a command to be obeyed." Remember, you are never more like Jesus than when you give!
May the Lord continue to bless Kirby Woods and may Living Hope be a launching pad to the nations! As Hudson Taylor said, "Missions is not an option to be considered, it is a command to be obeyed." Remember, you are never more like Jesus than when you give!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Buckeyes in the Czech!

Can you believe that the OHIO nation is all over the world. Buckeye trees are all over the world and even here in the Czech Republic. I am going to scoop as many up as I can and bring them home! Today was an awesome, but much cooler day with some rain. We spent the day walking all over the city of Olomouc and saw the outer parts of the city and majority of the population here. Also, we saw some ministry opportunities Ivos and his wife Ellen have here with social ministry as a means of servant evangelism and making contacts to share Christ. Tonight, we just got back from having a bible study meeting with 7 other believers about a possible movement! I spoke from Acts 1 and the importance of remaining faithful and prayerful. Paul spoke about being filled with the Holy Spirit on a constant basis (Ephesians 5). Only 2 more days before we make the long trek home, so pray as we have 2 meetings tomorrow with a local pastor and businessman here in the city. Attached is a photo from last night as we found a group of college students worshipping...very encouraging here!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
First Day From the Czech

After almost 24 hours of flying and driving, we finally made it here to Olomouc, Czech Republic. It is a city of around 100,000 people and when college students are here, around 120,000. It is like stepping back in time when you look around at the architecture and buildings. However, the culture is extremely progressive and liberal. In almost everyone's hand is a cigarette and beer bottle along with a closed view about God. Today, we walked the streets as most here do not drive cars within the city, they walk or use transport shuttles. So, we walked, prayed, and shared Christ with some college students at a coffee/cafe on the campus. The pic you see is from us climbing up 300 stairs in an old Catholic church building that was constructed back in 1412...I don't know how safe it was, but we made it. We are 6 hours ahead over here, so we are close to having dinner and go to a meeting with some college students and talk. Please keep praying as we leave on Saturday morning and time is going by quick...
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Living Hope Latest
Good Afternoon,
Just wanted to update you on the latest as to what the Lord is doing here in Marysville, Ohio. The family is doing great and we are extremely blessed. Caden turned 4 in May and finished his first summer of t-ball. He made his daddy proud! Abigail is the apple of her daddy's eye and already has me wrapped. Jennifer is amazing and is the glue that holds it all together...I am incredibly thankful for her! Below is a quick update in several different areas:
Traveling...I will be leaving this coming Sunday evening, September 27th, on a mission journey to the Czech Republic. I will be traveling with Paul Davis, a man in our church and Randall Wood, missions pastor at Dublin Baptist Church. Please pray for our traveling journeys and vision for how Living Hope could possibly be involved in reaching this people group.
Defending...Friday, October 23rd, I will travel to Louisville, KY and defend my DMIN dissertation at the Billy Graham School of Missions & Evangelism at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Pray the Lord will give me wisdom as I prepare and speak as to what the Lord has taught me through this incredible degree program. If the Lord allows, I will graduate in December!
Preaching...I will be traveling back home and preaching at the Kirby Woods Baptist Church in Memphis, TN. The dates for the Global Impact Conference are November 11-15, 2009. I will be preaching and sharing the story of what God is doing here on Friday night, November 13. Please visit www.kwbc.org for more information.
Moving...As a result of the growth, Living Hope Church has outgrown her meeting space at the school and has to move! Beginning this Sunday, September 27th, Living Hope signed a 1 year lease and will begin meeting at Creekview Intermediate School. We will be in the same sub-division and meeting next door from where we have been the past year. Living Hope is currently averaging over 160 on Sunday mornings. There have been 4 saved in the past month with another baptism service and membership class scheduled soon!
Sharing...This past week, I was offered the opportunity to share the vision and story of Living Hope on the Christian radio station WRFD (wrfd.com) here in Columbus. Please click here or you can go to our website to listen to the program in its entirety under the "media" section.
Honoring & Licensing...Sunday, September 6, 2009, was a special day in the life of our young church. We licensed Josh Wiley, son of Associate Pastor Gerry Wiley, into the Gospel ministry. Josh is a senior at The Ohio State University and will be graduating in May 2010. Also, Living Hope honored IMB Trustee and charter member Will Pollard in recognition of 50 years in the Gospel ministry. We are honored to have Godly men and women who understand missions in the life of our young church.
Giving...As the church grows, so do expenses. Though our giving is increasing as a result of families joining, we are still in need of financial partners and givers. Several of our families have been laid off and are looking for work. Since moving in to a bigger facility, there are some items we have purchased and STILL need to purchase. We are praying, seeking, and asking to raise $6,000.00 for the move to our new facility. This money will be used to buy extra staging and curtains, a new welcome center, advertising to the community informing them we have moved, a nice but used video camera to film and edit ministry videos and signage throughout the building and outside the building, etc...
Partnering...I am pleased to announce that Dr. Clayton Cloer and the FBC of Central Florida will begin partnering with us in 2010! Would you please consider a one-time financial gift or a monthly commitment to meet this goal at Living Hope. You can click here and donate to Living Hope on-line through our local sponsor church, Dublin Baptist. Also, you can make a check out to Living Hope Church and mail it to the church office at:
246 West Fifth Street
Marysville, Ohio 43040
Thank you for your time and faithful commitment to the Lord and His Kingdom. Please keep praying for the harvest here!
Jeremy Westbrook
Living Hope Church
Just wanted to update you on the latest as to what the Lord is doing here in Marysville, Ohio. The family is doing great and we are extremely blessed. Caden turned 4 in May and finished his first summer of t-ball. He made his daddy proud! Abigail is the apple of her daddy's eye and already has me wrapped. Jennifer is amazing and is the glue that holds it all together...I am incredibly thankful for her! Below is a quick update in several different areas:
Traveling...I will be leaving this coming Sunday evening, September 27th, on a mission journey to the Czech Republic. I will be traveling with Paul Davis, a man in our church and Randall Wood, missions pastor at Dublin Baptist Church. Please pray for our traveling journeys and vision for how Living Hope could possibly be involved in reaching this people group.
Defending...Friday, October 23rd, I will travel to Louisville, KY and defend my DMIN dissertation at the Billy Graham School of Missions & Evangelism at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Pray the Lord will give me wisdom as I prepare and speak as to what the Lord has taught me through this incredible degree program. If the Lord allows, I will graduate in December!
Preaching...I will be traveling back home and preaching at the Kirby Woods Baptist Church in Memphis, TN. The dates for the Global Impact Conference are November 11-15, 2009. I will be preaching and sharing the story of what God is doing here on Friday night, November 13. Please visit www.kwbc.org for more information.
Moving...As a result of the growth, Living Hope Church has outgrown her meeting space at the school and has to move! Beginning this Sunday, September 27th, Living Hope signed a 1 year lease and will begin meeting at Creekview Intermediate School. We will be in the same sub-division and meeting next door from where we have been the past year. Living Hope is currently averaging over 160 on Sunday mornings. There have been 4 saved in the past month with another baptism service and membership class scheduled soon!
Sharing...This past week, I was offered the opportunity to share the vision and story of Living Hope on the Christian radio station WRFD (wrfd.com) here in Columbus. Please click here or you can go to our website to listen to the program in its entirety under the "media" section.
Honoring & Licensing...Sunday, September 6, 2009, was a special day in the life of our young church. We licensed Josh Wiley, son of Associate Pastor Gerry Wiley, into the Gospel ministry. Josh is a senior at The Ohio State University and will be graduating in May 2010. Also, Living Hope honored IMB Trustee and charter member Will Pollard in recognition of 50 years in the Gospel ministry. We are honored to have Godly men and women who understand missions in the life of our young church.
Giving...As the church grows, so do expenses. Though our giving is increasing as a result of families joining, we are still in need of financial partners and givers. Several of our families have been laid off and are looking for work. Since moving in to a bigger facility, there are some items we have purchased and STILL need to purchase. We are praying, seeking, and asking to raise $6,000.00 for the move to our new facility. This money will be used to buy extra staging and curtains, a new welcome center, advertising to the community informing them we have moved, a nice but used video camera to film and edit ministry videos and signage throughout the building and outside the building, etc...
Partnering...I am pleased to announce that Dr. Clayton Cloer and the FBC of Central Florida will begin partnering with us in 2010! Would you please consider a one-time financial gift or a monthly commitment to meet this goal at Living Hope. You can click here and donate to Living Hope on-line through our local sponsor church, Dublin Baptist. Also, you can make a check out to Living Hope Church and mail it to the church office at:
246 West Fifth Street
Marysville, Ohio 43040
Thank you for your time and faithful commitment to the Lord and His Kingdom. Please keep praying for the harvest here!
Jeremy Westbrook
Living Hope Church
Thursday, September 17, 2009
On Hold.....
Do you ever feel as if you are on hold and nobody is ever going to give you an answer? Well, join the club! Right now, we are waiting to hear back from a couple of people as to a new meeting place for the youth ministry and also the Victory Outreach Center here in the heart of Marysville. However, we did get some exciting news concerning a new meeting place on Sunday mornings that I will be announcing this coming Sunday morning! Thank the Lord that when we pray, the Father hears and never puts us on hold!
I will keep you posted...
"Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep."
- Psalm 121:4
I will keep you posted...
"Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep."
- Psalm 121:4
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Need More Room
Today, the staff and I met at an undisclosed location to consider moving from where we currently are meeting on Sunday mornings. Currently, the growth rate of Living Hope has pushed us to the max where we currently are, leaving us with space problems, which is a GOOD problem! The meeting went well and I hope to have some exciting news to announce soon, so please pray. Also, be praying for our youth ministry and a place for them to hold their Wednesday night worship service as they are already out of room!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Praying For A Victory!
Living Hope Family,
I want to make you aware and ask you to pray for this opportunity. Yesterday, James, Gerry, and myself went to the Victory Center here in downtown Marysville to meet with Dr. Michael Witzky. They purchased the building a while back for $150,000 and are looking to sell it. It will need an enormous amount of work, but the space and opportunities are endless here in the heart of Marysville. I know of several mission teams from around the country that would be willing to come and help us renovate it and be used as a lighthouse for this city and community!
Anyway, I do not mind asking, remember we have not because we ask not, so I did. I asked if he would go back to his board of directors after sharing the vision with him and see if they would donate the property and building to Living Hope. He said he did not know, but he LOVED the vision and that is what they want the building to be used for! So, please pray and I will keep you up to date. The Victory Center building is located next door to the U.S. Post Office here on Main street.
"The problem is not unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer." - Dr. Adrian Rogers
I want to make you aware and ask you to pray for this opportunity. Yesterday, James, Gerry, and myself went to the Victory Center here in downtown Marysville to meet with Dr. Michael Witzky. They purchased the building a while back for $150,000 and are looking to sell it. It will need an enormous amount of work, but the space and opportunities are endless here in the heart of Marysville. I know of several mission teams from around the country that would be willing to come and help us renovate it and be used as a lighthouse for this city and community!
Anyway, I do not mind asking, remember we have not because we ask not, so I did. I asked if he would go back to his board of directors after sharing the vision with him and see if they would donate the property and building to Living Hope. He said he did not know, but he LOVED the vision and that is what they want the building to be used for! So, please pray and I will keep you up to date. The Victory Center building is located next door to the U.S. Post Office here on Main street.
"The problem is not unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer." - Dr. Adrian Rogers
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
New Partnering Church
I am pleased to announce that Living Hope has a new partnering church, the First Baptist Church of Central Florida. Dr. Clayton Cloer is the pastor of this mission minded church located in the heart of Central Florida. God continues to bless Living Hope with biblical and missional church partnerships that have a heart for the nations. I am reminded of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 1:3-5, "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now." Please be praying as I turn most of my attention to praying and seeking new church partnerships for Living Hope in 2010.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Time to Face the Music
Here is the latest from Dr. Al Mohler and a panel from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. Are we willing to change in order to reach a lost generation or do we desire to decline at a record pace? Click here to read, listen, and watch...
Monday, August 17, 2009
A Great Commission Resurgence
Well, it is Monday and I am back in the office. It feels weird to say this, but I had an awesome time on vacation; however, am glad to back in Ohio and in the office. A church ought to feel and be a home to members and that is certainly what I love about Living Hope! There is an urgent call for our Southern Baptist churches across America to be praying and take part in a Great Commission Resurgence. Find out more at the new official website just launched by clicking here...
Monday, August 10, 2009
Lessons Learned Already

We have been here at the beach for only a day and yet the Lord has already begun to reveal some things to me. On the way down Saturday, my phone went dead a few miles outside of Louisville. The iPhone battery saidf it was fully charged and for some reason it died. No problem, Jennifer got one last month so we could just use her phone. Well, she did not have much battery life left on hers, so I told her to to turn it off and conserve the power in case we would ever need it. Keep in mind that we have an ever excited and energy filled 4 year old little boy in the back and an almost 3 month old that is not a big fan of her car seat. Usually people put their kids in the car seat to make them go to sleep while they drive; however, Abigail prefers to actually sleep in her bed already and nowhere else!
So the LONG journey continued through Kentucky with construction delays, Tennessee (yes I saluted), and Alabama finally led us into the panhandle of Florida around 9 o'clock. My wife kept asking me, "Are you sure you know where you are going?". Thankfully, I printed off google maps as a back-up to my iPhone GPS. So here we are, it is dark now with both phones dead, the kids and wife ready to get out of the car and I have no gas in the van with no station around for miles. I begin to wonder about Heaven, because I might be there soon if we run out of gas and my wife gets really upset with me:) Not 3 minutes later in the middle of nowhere a gas station appeared and boy did I fill up as quick as I could. I felt as if I was at a pit stop in the Indy 500!
As I got really anxious, the Lord reminded me that He was there and to cast all of our anxieties upon Him for He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7)...Needless to say we are here and having an incredible time already with lessons learned. What are you worried about today, just give it away to the one who wants to carry it for you, Jesus!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Back at the Beach
Well, we finally made it to Destin, Florida! You will not believe the story I have to tell about our journey here from Ohio yesterday...gotta love construction and sitting still on the interstate with 2 kids in the back:) I will be writing and updating again in a few hours, but I gotta get out there and soak up some sun!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Have You Been to P.E. Lately?

This past Sunday evening, PE (Personal Evangelism) began here at Living Hope. The Bible teaches us to be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within us (1 Peter 3:15). Our Associate Pastor, Gerry Wiley, teaches the class at his home on Sunday evenings @ 6pm. 23 people from the church came and even some visitors! Imagine...a church full of trained soul-winners combined with the power of prayer. Keep praying and proclaiming...do you have a story to tell? If you are saved you do!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Love Loud
Today, we began our new sermon series called, "Love Loud." Yesterday, a team of 110 students from 1st Baptist Church in Collierville, Tennessee helped us pass out over 2,000 cards to the neighborhood as they stopped on their way to Cedarpoint. It was a huge success as we had several first time visitors this morning. Some indicated they desired to know more about membership, some wanting to know more about establishing a relationship with Christ, and one couple even wanting coffee with the pastor. God is good and today I preached one verse, John 3:16. This is the loudest act of love ever known to the world...God sending His one and only Son Jesus Christ. Keep praying...
Monday, July 27, 2009
Back In The Water Again!
Yesterday was an incredible day at Living Hope. Even in the midst of the summer months with several core families gone, there were 150 in attendance! Also, the best part is that 6 more were baptized yesterday afternoon @ the YMCA! There is a stirring...keep praying for the harvest here as we have baptized 20 so far this year and I pray many more...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Baseball and Witnessing...

Well, today has been a good and wet kinda day here in Marysville. Caden had his second t-ball game today. His first hit was off of the tee and the second hit was even better. He had a solid hit as we did over-handed coach pitch today! They even asked me to help coach and pitch the game...they must really need help to ask me:) I really love connecting with Caden and others here in the city of Marysville through this. Several know that I am a pastor and it gives me the platform to tell them why we moved here to begin Living Hope. This afternoon while I was on the treadmill (which I should do more often), I had the opportunity to witness to a man who was Hindu. He claimed there are many gods and paths to Heaven. I kindly shared with him the 10 commandments and the claim Jesus made in John 14:6 when He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." He listened and kindly said that whatever makes you happy is all that matters. These encounters are exactly why we are here! Pray for me as I preach Jonah 4 tomorrow and conclude our series.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Why We Should Pray...
It appears as if everyone over the past few years has spent more time complaining than praying. However, there are voices crying out in the wilderness and it belongs to men and women, boys and girls, as well as pastors and staff. It is an exhortation to return back to prayer as we strive to move toward a Great Commission Resurgence. Dr. Chuck Lawless, Dean of the Billy Graham School at Southern Seminary has written a wonderful letter concerning this issue...you can read it by clicking here.
"The problem is not unanswered prayer, it is that of unoffered prayer." - Dr. Adrian Rogers
"The problem is not unanswered prayer, it is that of unoffered prayer." - Dr. Adrian Rogers
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
What Is Our Mission?
Let's face it, we live in a time where there has never been more confusion in the church about what the church should be doing. The problem is that Scripture has been replaced with programs, personalities, and politics. Here at Living Hope, our only mission is THE GREAT COMMISSION found in Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus said that we will reach the world by making disciples. As a college student at the University of Memphis, I became heavily involved and even president one year at the Campus Crusade for Christ ministry there on campus. The mission statement of Crusade is to win, build, and send. I have yet to find a more simple and effective method of sharing the vision and mission of The Great Commission. Christian, quit sitting around looking for holes in other people's theology puffing up with pride and focus on the 1.7 billion people who have no access to the Gospel in the world! Our prayer and vision here at Living Hope is the same to that of Scripture. The Bible is not the book of the month, it is the book of the ages! Now pray and get moving...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sunday Summary
Today at Living Hope, we held our third membership class and I preached through the third chapter of Jonah. It was a great class with several new members joining and signing the covenant! Next Sunday, July 26th, we will have our fourth baptism service at the YMCA. 3 are scheduled to be baptized with a possibility of 3 more, so if you get a chance pray for that all important next step of obedience for several next Sunday. The Lord continues to bless us here in the summer months as several of our key families were gone today on vacation and yet 150 people were in attendance today! Keep praying...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
T-Ball & Jonah 3

Today has been a busy but awesome day. Started out with Caden's first t-ball game...he had an awesome first hit and eventually made his way around the bases and scored! Then, off to a birthday party, now he and I are here at the office finishing up a few last minute things. Tomorrow, I am preaching Jonah chapter 3, which reveals to us the heart of a holy and powerful God. Just as God's desire was for Nineveh to repent, the message has not changed though the city has. God desires for the city of Marysville not to feel good about themselves, not to live better lives for themselves, but for the ENTIRE city to repent! Jesus said in Luke 13:3 that unless we repent, we will perish and spend eternity in hell. The message of Jesus should be the mission of the church. Please pray for our service tomorrow that God will continue to move among us...
Friday, July 17, 2009
The Gospel & Partnership
Well, Friday's around the Living Hope church offices are suppose to be vacant, however, I find myself here writing these words! There is so much to do right now and God is blessing us in tremendous ways. I want to introduce you to a young church planter named Nick Nye. Nick moved here a few months before we did and is planting a church in the "Short North" arts district of downtown Columbus. Click here to go to the church website. God is doing great things through this church in an incredible hostile environment and culture to the Gospel. As a young church, we we desire to give back as the Lord has given us so much. Indeed, the Apostle Paul says in Philippians 1:3-5, "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now."
You have always heard your pastor say talk is cheap because it is! If you have a heart for God and missions then put your money where your mouth is. Living Hope is excited and blessed to help this young church in whatever way we can to get the Gospel out...we just met a critical need they had and will continue to pray and partner with them. Tell someone about Jesus today!
You have always heard your pastor say talk is cheap because it is! If you have a heart for God and missions then put your money where your mouth is. Living Hope is excited and blessed to help this young church in whatever way we can to get the Gospel out...we just met a critical need they had and will continue to pray and partner with them. Tell someone about Jesus today!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Van For Sale and Homes of Hope
Today has been an awesome yet overwhelming day. First, I am trying to sell our 2003 Dodge Caravan, so if you know anyone that is interested have them email me at jeremy@livinghopemarysville.com if interested! You can click here to view the ad on autotrader.com.
Also, the staff and I along with Bobby Wilkerson had a wonderful meeting about the future small group ministry of Living Hope called "Homes of Hope." Please be praying as we launch these small groups all over Marysville, Richwood, Plain City, Dublin, Powell, etc...I am not praying for revival, I am praying for an awakening! Please pray for us and with us...
Also, the staff and I along with Bobby Wilkerson had a wonderful meeting about the future small group ministry of Living Hope called "Homes of Hope." Please be praying as we launch these small groups all over Marysville, Richwood, Plain City, Dublin, Powell, etc...I am not praying for revival, I am praying for an awakening! Please pray for us and with us...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Unchurched and Their Thoughts
Here in a link from a new blog post by Dr. Thom Rainer, the President of Lifeway in Nashville, TN. May we as Christians pursue holiness and remember that not only is God watching, others around us are as well!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Prayer That Changes the World
A short message on prayer from John Piper on praying small groups. When will we stop focusing on people who come rather than the prayers that are offered!
Monday, April 27, 2009
A Gospel Pandemic
Today, there is much concern about a possible outbreak or pandemic of the flu-like virus called the "Swine Flu." What if the Gospel spread from one person to another so rapidly that newspapers, tv reporters, and blogs all across the web reported an outbreak of Christianity? Is Acts 1:8 a command or just an option for believers? Biblically, it is a command to be obeyed. Do you know your neighbor. Do you know where he or she stands spiritually? Why must it take an economic or physical crisis to get our attention. Jesus said in John 9 that it is day, however, night is coming when no man can work any longer. May this be our prayer, to get out of our comfort zones and spread the good news that Jesus is alive and Living Hope has come to Marysville, Union County, Central Ohio, and the World.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Sunday
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Getting Ready...
This past Sunday, April 5th, Long Hollow Baptist Church in Nashville, TN arrived to help us pass out over 20,000 door-hangers all over Marysville and Union County getting ready for our public launch on Easter Sunday, April 12th. Here is a pic from this past week's service where we had 250 in attendance!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Next 3 Sunday's @ Living Hope
Currently, I am preaching through the last week of Jesus' life as he marched toward Calvary to pay the ultimate price for our sin debt. This coming Sunday, we will look at Thursday, the day before the crucifixion, when Jesus had His Last Supper with the disciples, thus instituting the Lord's Supper as an ordinance to remember. We will have several guests with us from Dublin as well.
The following Sunday, a team from around 125-175 will be here from Nashville to help us blitz our county and get ready for Easter Sunday, April 12th. It is going to be busy, however, this is the kind of busy that brings eternal dividends. Hope to see you Sunday and remember not to waste your life on things that do not matter in the end!
Here is a pic from our Missions day service on March 15th...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
A House of Prayer...
Tomorrow morning I will be preaching from Matthew 21:12-17, with the message being titled, "Cleaning house and Clarifying." Jesus says in verse 13 that He wants His house to be a house of prayer. Notice that He did not say a house of programs, rather prayer. Are programs bad? I am not against programs and organized ministry, however, I do think prayer serves as the foundation for all ministries in the life of a healthy, biblical and reproducing church. There must be a divine balance with prayer and the Gospel serving as a firm foundation. Dr. Chuck Lawless, dean of the Billy Graham School at Southern Seminary, believes prayer should be added as a purpose to the church...adding to the popular five of worship, evangelism, fellowship, discipleship, and ministry. What do you think?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
More Time in the Water!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Heading to Nashville...
Just finished our men's prayer breakfast an hour ago and going to spend this Tuesday preparing to leave for Nashville, TN. The Lord has provided me the opportunity to preach to the student ministry at Long Hollow Baptist Church. Their student ministry is preparing to bring around 100-150 students and adults to help us blitz Union County the week before Easter. Please pray as we leave early in the morning to spend the day there and come back through Louisville, KY on Thursday.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Are You Dangerous?
Click on the link to watch a short clip that will challenge you to not just know dangerous people, rather to be the danger!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Small Groups...
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Our First Baptism Service
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Snow Ministry
Check out the pics from our first "Snow Ministry" attempt. We received almost a foot of snow here in Marysville last week and what started as shoveling ourselves out ended up shoveling others out, even some we did not know. As someone once said that they will never care how much you know until they know how much you care! Even Caden got in on the action...
Under Construction...
Welcome to the new Pastor's blog! This new blog site will be updated on a daily basis with new features added as fast as I can post them. I have heard from you and will attempt to provide a list of articles, resources, and other items. Check back often..
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