Thursday, December 17, 2009

Multi-Site Churches

There is an interesting article in the USA Today concerning multi-site churches. You can click here to read it. Much discussion has been raised revolving the use of one church with many locations. Read and leave a comment, what do you think? Is it right, biblical, or does it even matter?

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmmm.... You know, I actually have been kinda thinking about this recently. I have a friend who is a MS pastor at a multi-site church. I have also been referred to different church websites by friends to listen to a sermon or whatever. One church posted they were trying to raise $20 million. Hmmm? Thanks for posting a link to this article. I am curious about your thoughts. I can definitely see pros and cons. In terms of it being Biblical, I am not sure exactly. There are so many "extremes" to approaches and I don't believe in being "extreme" about anything other than living for Christ.
