Can you believe that the OHIO nation is all over the world. Buckeye trees are all over the world and even here in the Czech Republic. I am going to scoop as many up as I can and bring them home! Today was an awesome, but much cooler day with some rain. We spent the day walking all over the city of Olomouc and saw the outer parts of the city and majority of the population here. Also, we saw some ministry opportunities Ivos and his wife Ellen have here with social ministry as a means of servant evangelism and making contacts to share Christ. Tonight, we just got back from having a bible study meeting with 7 other believers about a possible movement! I spoke from Acts 1 and the importance of remaining faithful and prayerful. Paul spoke about being filled with the Holy Spirit on a constant basis (Ephesians 5). Only 2 more days before we make the long trek home, so pray as we have 2 meetings tomorrow with a local pastor and businessman here in the city. Attached is a photo from last night as we found a group of college students worshipping...very encouraging here!
US Customs will probably have an issue with foreign buckeyes...FYI. I couldn't even get back from Hawaii with a small bag of Red Dirt from Kuaui! Glad ya'll are doing well...spiritually and physically.