Well, today has been a good and wet kinda day here in Marysville. Caden had his second t-ball game today. His first hit was off of the tee and the second hit was even better. He had a solid hit as we did over-handed coach pitch today! They even asked me to help coach and pitch the game...they must really need help to ask me:) I really love connecting with Caden and others here in the city of Marysville through this. Several know that I am a pastor and it gives me the platform to tell them why we moved here to begin Living Hope. This afternoon while I was on the treadmill (which I should do more often), I had the opportunity to witness to a man who was Hindu. He claimed there are many gods and paths to Heaven. I kindly shared with him the 10 commandments and the claim Jesus made in John 14:6 when He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." He listened and kindly said that whatever makes you happy is all that matters. These encounters are exactly why we are here! Pray for me as I preach Jonah 4 tomorrow and conclude our series.
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