We have been here at the beach for only a day and yet the Lord has already begun to reveal some things to me. On the way down Saturday, my phone went dead a few miles outside of Louisville. The iPhone battery saidf it was fully charged and for some reason it died. No problem, Jennifer got one last month so we could just use her phone. Well, she did not have much battery life left on hers, so I told her to to turn it off and conserve the power in case we would ever need it. Keep in mind that we have an ever excited and energy filled 4 year old little boy in the back and an almost 3 month old that is not a big fan of her car seat. Usually people put their kids in the car seat to make them go to sleep while they drive; however, Abigail prefers to actually sleep in her bed already and nowhere else!
So the LONG journey continued through Kentucky with construction delays, Tennessee (yes I saluted), and Alabama finally led us into the panhandle of Florida around 9 o'clock. My wife kept asking me, "Are you sure you know where you are going?". Thankfully, I printed off google maps as a back-up to my iPhone GPS. So here we are, it is dark now with both phones dead, the kids and wife ready to get out of the car and I have no gas in the van with no station around for miles. I begin to wonder about Heaven, because I might be there soon if we run out of gas and my wife gets really upset with me:) Not 3 minutes later in the middle of nowhere a gas station appeared and boy did I fill up as quick as I could. I felt as if I was at a pit stop in the Indy 500!
As I got really anxious, the Lord reminded me that He was there and to cast all of our anxieties upon Him for He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7)...Needless to say we are here and having an incredible time already with lessons learned. What are you worried about today, just give it away to the one who wants to carry it for you, Jesus!
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