Thursday, August 11, 2011

Between Sundays: Beth Moore Weekend @ Living Hope

Hey Everyone,

Can you believe this weather? I hope this does not mean that winter is coming too early!! The Lord continues to bless us as a church family during the summer months, and so we continue to pray and anticipate the month of August to be no different. School will soon start back for many in a couple of weeks, so that means getting back into the routine of things. However, may we never get into a routine in our walk with the Lord! We should remember what the Spirit of God through Solomon has been teaching us, to not take our days for granted and make the most of them! I will be preaching from Ecclesiastes 10 on Sunday morning, so please go ahead and read these verses and prepare to worship. Until then, please check out the latest announcements below:

Beth Moore Conference...will be THIS Friday evening and Saturday in Columbus. There are a couple of tickets that someone has purchased, but due to a schedule conflict can no longer use them. If you desire to go and can use these tickets, please contact Jennifer Westbrook at for more info.

iDiscover Membership Class...will be on Sunday morning, September 11th from 8:30-9:45. It will be held at the school before the morning worship service. Childcare IS available, but you must sign up on your response card in the Sunday worship bulletin or via this email.

Worship here to view and listen to the songs we will be singing this coming Sunday morning!

From Pastor James...Volunteers Needed! If you have not noticed our church family is growing and each week we are blessed with so many new faces, but with the blessing of growth comes the opportunity to serve. You may be sitting back as a member of Living Hope & you want to serve and get plugged in, but you just don't know where or how to get plugged in. Well, you are in luck because the Children's Ministry and the Student Ministry is in need of volunteers to come along side of the leadership and be the hands & feet of Christ. So many times we strive in our lives to look, talk, and act like Christ to the best of our ability. However, sometimes we get so caught up trying to look at ourselves we forget that looking at others (serving others) is one of the ways Jesus calls us to be like Him. From holding a baby, helping a 4 year old with a craft, being crowd control in Pipeline, or helping a student in their daily walk with Christ we have a place for you to serve. If you are interested in getting more involved and plugged into serving in one of our family ministries, please contact Pastor James at ASAP. Jesus describes this exact thing in Matthew chapter 9...

35 And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Please take the time to get alone with God and pray to not asking "should I serve?" but ask the question "Where do you want me to serve You?"