Thursday, July 28, 2011

5th Sunday @ Living Hope

This coming Lord's Day will be the 5th Sunday of July and I pray one of the best yet. The Lord continues to move in our worship services and we are seeing new guests visit each week! Go ahead and read Ecclesiastes 8 for Sunday, as we will take a biblical and practical look at using wisdom in everyday life. We need to learn to look at our situations and circumstances from God's point of view. I believe if we come ready to hear, the Lord will speak to our hearts and teach us how to look at life, deal with work situations, and relate to our families. Read below for the latest and we will see you on Sunday:

Pipeline... the 1st-5th grade kids ministry is back on schedule and WILL be meeting during the worship service for all the kiddos who want to get into God's Word and have a blast with Pastor James. He is also preaching through the book of Ecclesiastes, as our desire is for you to be able to drive home as a family and be on the same page as you discuss what God taught you as a family.

iDiscover Membership Class... several have indicated their desire to attend the next membership class at Living Hope! We are excited about this next class and are currently planning the date for it. We will keep you posted when the date is actually set.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Deeper in the Word at the Fernández residence:

We had a very encouraging first meeting last Sunday! I think we all
felt the Holy Spirit leading us in the direction of a dedicated study
of 1 John. So for anyone interested in joining up, here is what was

All the members of our group have agreed to read all five chapters of
1 John every day (starting yesterday, when we read all five chapters
corporately) until the last day of our summer session, which will be
five Sundays from yesterday. Our goal is to cover one chapter a week,
and by the time we meet on our last Sunday, we will have each read
this book at least 37 times. That means that if you put all of our
readings together for a corporate count, our group will have read the
book 333 times! And that is only counting the adults that were
present last Sunday! So I am hoping the actual count will be higher
than that by the end of summer.

Our goal is to make every effort to keep all of our members part of
this small body by adjusting our schedule as needed. A couple of
families needed to be free this coming Sunday, so we decided to make
our next meeting at 6:30 this Saturday the 23d. So anyone interested
in coming to this Home of Hope should plan on joining us then. Every
other meeting should be as usual, at 1:30 Sunday afternoons.

To be clear: If you want to join this group, we would love to have
you! And here's what you can do to plug right in:

Please come this next session on Saturday at 6:30;
Start reading the entire book of 1 John every day;
Take notes and prepare to discuss the first chapter next time we meet.

To those who were here, I thank you so much for listening to my
introduction from I Corinthians 12, and then showing so willingly how
a body is supposed to act under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to
build one another up in Christ! I cannot tell you how blessed I was
and how much I am looking forward to learning from the Word with you!

See you next week, Lord willing. Happy reading!

José F.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Church Planting Today

Click here to read a recent article submitted by Dr. Ed Stetzer, President of Lifeway Research on the current state of church planting in the Southern Baptist Convention. Obviously, we need to plant stronger and healthier churches at a faster pace. God give us a heart for the unreached and unchurched!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 4 and Last Day

Thursday, July 14, was the last day for VBS. We are so grateful the Lord allowed the Kirby Woods puppet mission team to come. This was their 3rd consecutive time to come, which is unprecedented! God allowed us to see a wonderful turnout with a record high 137 kids coming on the last evening. Also, a record high of $550 was raised through the mission offering taken up by the boys and girls nightly to support sending missionaries Ryan & Priscilla Hart overseas to Malawi. God is good!

Day 3 of VBS...

Wednesday was an awesome but crazy day. It all started when 128 kids showed up for VBS and ended with around 90 youth coming for SUMMERJAM 2011. WOW...the Lord did a great work on this day.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 2...

Here is a pic from last night as several new guests joined us...there were 123 kids last night!

VBS 2011: Pirates...In Search of the One True God!

There were 105 kids present on the first night of VBS...praise God for this record turnout on a first night! VBS will be from Monday, July 11th - Thursday, July 14th and will be held nightly from 5:45-8:15pm at the Union County Fairgrounds here in Marysville.