Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Next 3 Sunday's @ Living Hope

Currently, I am preaching through the last week of Jesus' life as he marched toward Calvary to pay the ultimate price for our sin debt. This coming Sunday, we will look at Thursday, the day before the crucifixion, when Jesus had His Last Supper with the disciples, thus instituting the Lord's Supper as an ordinance to remember. We will have several guests with us from Dublin as well.

The following Sunday, a team from around 125-175 will be here from Nashville to help us blitz our county and get ready for Easter Sunday, April 12th. It is going to be busy, however, this is the kind of busy that brings eternal dividends. Hope to see you Sunday and remember not to waste your life on things that do not matter in the end!

Here is a pic from our Missions day service on March 15th...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A House of Prayer...

Tomorrow morning I will be preaching from Matthew 21:12-17, with the message being titled, "Cleaning house and Clarifying." Jesus says in verse 13 that He wants His house to be a house of prayer. Notice that He did not say a house of programs, rather prayer. Are programs bad? I am not against programs and organized ministry, however, I do think prayer serves as the foundation for all ministries in the life of a healthy, biblical and reproducing church. There must be a divine balance with prayer and the Gospel serving as a firm foundation. Dr. Chuck Lawless, dean of the Billy Graham School at Southern Seminary, believes prayer should be added as a purpose to the church...adding to the popular five of worship, evangelism, fellowship, discipleship, and ministry. What do you think?