Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The old cliche says, "If you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything." One statement taken from a paragraph of Purpose Driven Church says, "The people who have made the greatest impact on this world, for good or evil, have not been necessarily the smartest, wealthiest, or best-educated people; they have been the people with the strongest, deepest convictions. Marx, Ghandi, Buddha, Columbus, and Luther are just a few of the people who have changed the face of the world because of their convictions." Jesus was driven by conviction, He knew his purpose. Jesus understood his conviction to be that of doing the Father's will. Can I ask you a question, what drives you? What are you standing for? Make sure your convictions are biblical and balanced. In an era where people think truth is relative, Christians must stand upon the principles and truths found in the Word of God. In the words of Dr. Al Mohler, "Don't just do something...STAND there."

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