Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Is Sin Dead?...

A quote from Dr. Al Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky stirred my mind. In a recent article in the USA today, he said, "We find a comfort zone of morality, a kind of middle-class middle level where we think we are doing well. We cut the grass. We don't double-park. But we ignore the larger issues of sin." This mentality permeates our culture, even into some of our churches. Sin is real and must be dealth with in our culture and around the world. Praise God there is a cure for that sin problem and its the precious blood of Jesus Christ!

1 comment:

  1. Amen brother! Look out Marysville, there's a preacher in town who ain't afraid to tell it like it is! Praying for you brother!
