Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Breaking of Bread...or Ribs, Steaks, Burgers...

This coming Sunday, the 24th, we are having a cookout at my house (the westbrooks). This will be open to anyone going or praying about being a part of Living Hope, no commitments necessary. It will be a time to connect with one another, hear the story of how God is moving in your heart about Ohio, and a time of prayer...AND FOOD! Right after the morning service @ Kirby Woods, just head over to our home in Cordova, located at 8582 Thor Rd. God is continuing to add pages to the story every day, will you be a part of the story??? See you Sunday

Here is a map link to our house from the church

1 comment:

  1. Had a great time over at your house. We appreciate it. Looking forward to adding pages to the storybook on Living Hope. Take care and I will talk to you later on.

