One of the greatest chapters in the Word of God is Psalm 73. In this Psalm, we find a man named Asaph who the Lord inspired to write this powerful chapter. This Psalm is divided into 2 sections, or 2 world-views. In the first half of this Psalm (verses 1-16), it appears that Asaph is giving a report to the Lord that his enemies and those who seem to live their lives for themselves are doing better than he. He says in verse 3 that the wicked actually were prospering. This was and still is a frustrating concept for Christians today. Often, we are really good at throwing a pity-party for ourselves and telling the Lord what we deserve and what others do not. The Lord brought change into the life of Asaph, for the Bible says in verse 17 that when Asaph finally went into the sanctuary of the Lord, he saw their end. There was change in this Psalm, however, the Lord did not change the situation of Asaph, but the Lord changed the heart of Asaph. God may not change your situation today, but ask Him to change YOU today. Learn to see things from an eternal perspective rather than a temporal perspective. Enter into the sanctuary of the Lord, pray, read the Bible, and be encouraged!