Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tis' the Season

It's hard to believe, but Christmas is almost here. As of this post, only 26 more shopping days! I don't know where you are in your list, but I better get started soon. As followers of Jesus Christ, let's keep the main thing the main thing. Instead of becoming weary in Christmas shopping, how about not becoming weary in doing good (2 Thessalonians 3:13). We are now entering the time of year when the suicide rate jumps to its highest level. God tells us to be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within us (1 Peter 3:15) this Christmas season let's be ready to tell the story, HIStory.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Missions in Memphis...

This past week was amazing here at Kirby Woods Baptist Church. We hosted our 2nd annual Global Impact Conference and the Lord did a great work. Lives were changed, individuals and families were called, and over $400,000 was raised for mission causes, all to the glory of our great God! This is the conference the Lord used to call my family last year to plant a church in Central Ohio. How will you make a Global Impact in 08?...

Monday, November 12, 2007

Missions in Millington, TN

This past Saturday and Sunday I was involved in a missions conference in Millington, Tn, right outside of Memphis. Lucy Baptist Church hosted the conference, a church in which part of my extended family have been members all of my life. It was held in the gym, a place which I grew up playing a lot of basketball in. The Lord did a great work and I made a lot of good contacts. One thing I came away from this weekend with is this, "The Kingdom of God is BIG!" It doesn't matter whether you are in the north or the south, in the states or among the nations, the Kingdom of God is big and we have extended family...a.k.a. (brothers and sisters in Christ) all over the world. Next time you talk to the Lord, pray for your extended family.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

At The State Convention

Hello from Cleveland, Ohio, where I promise you it is probably colder here than wherever you are! I have been here for the past couple of days meeting and greeting leaders and pastors from all over the great state of Ohio. The Lord is definitly at work here, the harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are so few. I cannot wait for us to relocate to Marysville and get on the ground. My good friend Dean Fulks delivered the convention sermon on engaging the culture with the Gospel and church planting, and the Lord did a great work. Pray for me as I fly home tomorrow and that the Lord will continue to send partners our way!

Monday, November 5, 2007

EE Tonight

Pray for me as I lead our Evangelism Explosion ministry here at Kirby Woods tonight. We only have a few more weeks left in this semester until graduation. Like most Monday evenings we have experienced this semester, storms are scheduled to move through the area later on tonight. What people fail to understand is that when it rains, more people stay at home and we have a greater opportunity to reach them! What the devil has meant for bad, God uses for His good and glory. If you are interested in learning more about the EE ministry, check out